Upgrading your health can be challenging. My mission is to make it fun, easy, and way less stressful. Pop your info below and I'll send you your first steps to get started.

Hey you,
Consider these stats...
One in five people suffer from arthritis.
One in five people has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
One in ten have diabetes.
One in two men and one in three women will develop heart disease in their lifetime.
And more women will die from heart attacks than men.
Things can look pretty grim when your health is not where you want it.
What do all of these illnesses have in common?
It’s this one thing in the blind spot of so many health seekers looking for answers.
Chronic inflammation affects one in two people over the age of 45.
That makes for a large number of people that will appreciate having a natural solution to their pain.
And I'm guessing that's why you're here.
To get out of pain.
I’m talking about the kind of pain that leaves you feeling like half of your full self.
And you and I both know that you deserve WAY more than a "running on empty and just trying to get by" kind of life!
You deserve a WHOLE lot more.
If you are tired of...
Dealing with the pain of feeling bloated and brain fogged...
Endlessly searching for a way to stop your achy joints, sleepless nights, poor digestion, and lack of energy...
Oh yeah, and did I mention diets (oh dear, don’t get me started)?
The endless cycle of being on and off “the wagon”.
Beating yourself up and feeling like a failure.
All because you can’t fit yourself into this cookie-cutter expectation.
I mean it’s right there in the word…“DIE”it, lifeless, no pulse.
Or maybe you are already making strides with your health.
Maybe you just want MORE…
More health.
More energy.
More memories with loved ones feeling strong, resilient and adaptable.
Well, I’ve got good news for you!
Your health is about to get a whole lot better.
And your life for that matter too.
I’m talking…
Crushing it at work with a razor-sharp mind that has your colleagues turning their heads.
Playing with your kids or grandchildren and actually keeping up.
Taking on that travel adventure that’s on the top of your bucket list.
(The one where you hike to that breathtaking view and stand in your power knowing you made this possible.)
Diving into your passion project with a “you’ve got a fire under your butt” kind of mentality.
Knowing that you are setting yourself up for the longest and healthiest life you could possibly live.
Now that is a compelling future.
One that has you in the driver’s seat of your story.
I can already tell it’s going to be one heck of a story.
The only question left is...
Where will you start your healing journey?
Skip the guesswork, diet prison frustration, and endless solution search. Instead, upgrade your health with proven healing systems, science-backed nutrition solutions, and your own personal "live-it". (Something that finally says YOU)
Here's what our study shows you is possible with an anti-inflammatory live-it:
You see, behind every health transformation is a woman just like you who was struggling, feeling helpless, wanting more, and searching for answers. And guess what... you're in luck, because you found what they found... a much better way forward!
"I tried every “diet” you can imagine, and I couldn’t understand why I was still bloated and lethargic. The numbers on the scale kept creeping up! Then I met Julie Daniluk. She taught me to let go of the “DIEit” and embrace a “LIVEit”. With the new skill set that Julie taught me I was able to eat foods that helped sustain my energy and keep my emotions balanced. In this whole journey, I have never felt deprived- not once! I no longer crave junk food!" - Yvette Murray
"I have combatted Candida, switched medications to more natural medications, lost 45 lbs, keeping my low carb, no sugar live it. I have been intermittent fasting at least 5-6 days per week. I have learned how to have healthy snacks at my fingertips. I have learned about supplements, and understand what works for me. I have been so thankful for the support from the Daniluk team, Thrive Hive and the support from my husband who is eating and living the Live it by my side." - Roxanne G

Marni Wasserman & Dr. Jesse Chappus
RHN & DC of The Ultimate Health Podcast
"Julie is as dynamic as they come! It's not just that she is enthusiastic, intelligent and always up-to-date on the latest research, she loves to explain how things work, and the reasons why other things don’t. We enjoy each and every encounter we have with her and love all the knowledge she has shared on The Ultimate Health Podcast. We are so grateful to have her as a colleague, and as a great friend!"

Meghan Telpner
Holistic Nutritionist and creator of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition
"Julie is a pioneer in the field of holistic nutrition, bringing her depth of knowledge and unparalleled passion to the world. Julie makes her evidence-based approach so very approachable through her books and online programs, inspiring her audience to get into the kitchen and transform their health."

William W. Li, MD
New York Times bestselling author of EAT TO BEAT DISEASE
"Enjoying a long and healthy life is the sweetest treat you can give yourself. In Becoming Sugar-Free, Julie Daniluk knocks it out of the park once again by showing you how to satisfy your cravings with alternative sweeteners and anti-inflammatory foods on an everyday level. For anyone who has ever wondered how to dodge sugar addiction and the inflammation it causes, this is a must-read."

Bryce Wylde
Alternative Medicine Expert and Health Advisor for The Doctor Oz Show
"Julie is a true leader in the organic food and holistic health movement. She makes eating organic and healthy, fun. Julie is super-intelligent and incredibly charismatic! Talk to her only once and I am sure you will agree."

Marc St. Onge
Founder of Ascenta NutraSea and Bend Beauty
"Julie is one of the most entertaining people I know in the health industry! She is an encyclopaedia of knowledge who is addressing one of the most important health issues of our time...inflammation. Julie changes the way people think about food, how it is grown and how it affects the body."
Download my FREE Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid and start your "live-it" today!
Each of my books became a national best-seller (two of them reaching the #1 spot), along with Meals That Heal Inflammation now in its 13th printing due to popularity. (Like a fine wine that gets better with time)
They are packed with science-based nutrition solutions and "knock your socks off" recipes to fit your health goals.
Whether you want to live a pain-free life, balance your hormones without restrictive dieting, safely and effectively detox your entire body, or say goodbye to harmful sugars... I've got you covered!
On The Blog...
Looking for scrumptious recipes that are certified healing, or to learn about a topic that can change your health? You will find just what you need to cultivate your health and vitality here!
Where Should I Start?
What Should I Do If I Have A Complicated Health Issue?
Which Book Should I Get First?
How Long Does It Take To See Results?
What Is An Anti-Inflammatory Live-It?
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(It'll be better than a decadent chocolate cake, promise)