Becoming Sugar-Free ~ Book Corrections

healthy living Sep 06, 2021

As a courtesy to my readers, I am noting Becoming Sugar-Free book corrections on this page, as they are found. Though formally published books are reviewed and edited by numerous people, errors are inevitable. Thank you for your patience with this process. 


Page 29: We Eat Sugary Foods That Contain Disaccarides Chart 

Correction: This chart should have read 'Lactase Enzyme' and 'Maltase Enzyme'.

Updated chart


Page 1: Introduction. The spelling error of the word ‘colosal’, should read colossal. 

Page 283: Frozen Faux Chocolate Cups. There is a typo in the recipe description. The word 'delievers' should read delivers. 

Page 167: Wonderful Grain-Free Waffles. Correction in the directions.

3. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, coconut beverage, 'avocado oil' (not coconut oil), coconut syrup and any boosters (if using), then pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.

Page 213: LynnBits. Correction for the coconut oil measurement. The coconut oil measurement should read 1/3 cup of coconut oil (not 3 tablespoons). For the full recipe, click here.









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